I am a Data Visualization Ph.D. student at Arizona State University working with Chris Bryan.
I am interested in work at the intersection of AI, information visualization, cognitive science, and human-computer interaction. Please feel free to reach me at yueno@asu.edu.
Please refer to my CV for the latest information.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Arizona State University
M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
Thesis: Analysis of Exploration Behavior in Graph Drawing Based on Physiological Information
B.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyoto University
Thesis: Modeling Machine Manipulation and Structuring Experience Videos Focusing on Differences in Skill Level
Research Experience
Visualization Laboratory
Duties included: Research on people’s behavior while looking at visualization
Supervisor: Prof. Koyamada, Prof. Natsukawa
2017.4 ~ 2019.3
Nakamura Lab.
Duties included: Research on modeling poeple’s behavior while manipulating machine from videos
Supervisor: Prof. Nakamura, Prof. Kondo
2016.4 ~ 2017.3
AI Lab.
Duties included: Research on emotion estimation based on physiological responses
Supervisor: Mr. Murase
2018.2 ~ 2018.3
Please see here for further information.
Teaching Experience
Graduate TA 'ILAS Seminar'
Supervisor: Prof. Koyamada
2018.4 ~ 2018.7
Graduate TA 'Visualized Simulation Technology'
Supervisor: Prof. Koyamada
2017.10 ~ 2018.1
Graduate TA 'Spacio-temporal Data Analysis for Multimedia'
Supervisor: Prof. Nakamura
2017.4 ~ 2017.7
Please see here